Month: April 2024

Mr. Kamlesh Bhai’s Residence

Open Spaces, verandas, terraces, courtyards are some of the traditional spatial features of an Indian dwelling. Putting all these together

Mr. Alap Bhai’s Residence

A contemporary bliss for a small family in Ahmedabad, trying to blend the flavour of village with a modern touch.

Dr. Mihir Bhai’s Residence

A small city house for a doctor couple in Ahmedabad. They wanted a house which appears grand but they remain

Mr. Nishit Bhai’s Residence

A house for two generations staying together again infusing the modern glitches with some small ingredient of traditional values.

Mr. Rohit Bhai’s Residence

A modern house for an ISRO based scientist where he completely wanted to live the spaces with contemporary elements ,

Club House

Designed for a township in Bavla. It has been placed at the entrance of the township, which absolutely gels with